Outlook 2013 – First Few Days


One of the IT philosophies that we promote on a regular basis is that you should update your hardware and software — on a regular basis. Or at least have some sort of schedule, rough plan, half forgotten dream, or crayon doodle on a dinner napkin about when things should be replaced. More »

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Real Men of Genius

Though, some would say that’s debatable…

Holy crap. It’s literally been over a year since I’ve posted something new. That’s terrible. More »

A Bit of Nostalgia

It’s a new year, and we’re all getting just a little bit older. As we approach the end of civilization this year, take some time to geekily (geekishly?) walk down memory lane and reboot a bunch of old operating systems. You know, just for funsies.

[The Restart Page]


Windows 8 Explorer Design Changes, etc.

Interesting in depth article from the Windows 8 design team about the changes/improvements to Windows Explorer that are coming with Windows 8.


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Bookmarks Bar Space Saver

The bookmarks bar is a useful browser feature to have quick access to website favorites. Fortunately or unfortunately most browsers use the website title as the title for the favorite link, and this tends to take up a lot of space. Your bookmarks bar probably looks something like this.

Chances are that you have more favorites that you want quick access to, but they get pushed off the bookmarks bar because the titles are too long.

Good news everyone! There is a way to shorten the titles, or in some cases even remove the titles altogether to compact the favorite link, and thus making more room for favorites on the bookmarks bar.

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