Posts Tagged windowsphone7

Windows Phone 7 Official Launch Nov. 8

It’s official, Microsoft announced today that Windows Phone 7 will launch on November 8, 2010.

Update: Full keynote available at Engadget.

Great WP7 handset comparison by Engadget.

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Windows Phone 7 No Tethering ಠ_ಠ

Despite early reports of Windows Phone 7 supporting tethering, Microsoft has just confirmed that tethering will not be supported with the first release of Windows Phone 7. Read the rest of this entry »

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Windows Phone 7

Thank you Microsoft for renaming the oddly named and difficult to say Windows Phone 7 Series, to Windows Phone 7.

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Windows Phone 7 Series

In a surprise move yesterday, Microsoft officially announced Windows Phone 7 Series, and simultaneously killed Windows Mobile 6.x phone sales for the rest of 2010. Read the rest of this entry »

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