Archive for category FYI

Outlook 2013 – First Few Days


One of the IT philosophies that we promote on a regular basis is that you should update your hardware and software — on a regular basis. Or at least have some sort of schedule, rough plan, half forgotten dream, or crayon doodle on a dinner napkin about when things should be replaced. Read the rest of this entry »

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Windows 8 Explorer Design Changes, etc.

Interesting in depth article from the Windows 8 design team about the changes/improvements to Windows Explorer that are coming with Windows 8.

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A Bit of Geek Humor

Haven’t posted anything in quite a while, so here is a quick video on how to install AOL on your computer. Video after the break.

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Angry Birds on the Web

Here is your totally time-wasting, useless-knowledge, productivity-killing, knowledge for today. Angry Birds, one of the most popular iOS and Android games, the game which it seems everyone and their grandma has played, and the game until today I had not played, is now available on the web.

You can play it here,; but don’t click this link if you plan to get anything done today.


Gmail Motion

Google once again is revolutionizing how you interact with your email. Gmail first introduced the concept of labels, storage that grows with you, and threaded conversations. Google is now introducing… Gmail Motion.

I’ve been beta testing this for the past couple of months, and honestly I am pretty impressed. It took a little bit of adjusting to get the motions down, but once I did, creating emails, and manipulating messages was never easier. Watch the videos to get an idea of how Gmail Motion works.

In a word – amazing.



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